Re: Re: the name of the game

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 09:31:38 -0800

> My hopes:
> 1. The excellent Thunder Rebels and Storm Tribe books should be 100%

>From my understanding after talking with Greg about it, they will be. The
Base mechanics of the game will stay the same.

> 2. Some sort of guidelines should be released to allow those of us who
hoped to run demo games at local cons to adapt our material. At the very least, some sort of pamphlet explaining the differences should be made available as a PDF so that we can hand them out.

Again, from my understanding, there shouldn't be any changes necessary, except to file off the serial numbers. Greg's stated intent is to clarify and present the material better, not to go to a D34 system, institute levels and classes, or require cube roots and differential equations during character creation.


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