Re: Fog of war

From: Michael Schwartz <mschwartz_at_...>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 17:09:17 -0500

Greg Stafford wrote:

>This is nearly exactly how I envisioned Iphara fog
>to be used. Sometimes it blankets Dragon Pass and
>brings murder or instigates murder. Other times it
>is brought by instigators for their own purposes.

Look to medieval tales of the Mistral, the oppressive annual fog which descends hot and heavy upon the Provence region (Arles, Avignon, etc.) of southern France, for inspiration. Even the local laws account for the Mistral: no person committing a crime of passion while the Mistral looms over the land is ever held accountable. Those who dared to abuse this law for their own ends typically wound up dead under curious circumstances, come the following year's Mistral.

I imagine the Heortlings do not feel quite so generous toward those who commit murder during the Iphara fog, crime of passion or no, but being under Iphara's influence might be the sole legitimate defense of murder (kinslaying, whatever the reason, can never be excused). Anyone who falsely claims Iphara's influence, however, would likely be treated far more harshly.

Other than Huraya and Tarena the Blue Woman (Tarena, however, is somewhat suspect), the gods of fog (clouds come to Earth) are generally ill-considered among the Heortlings. As nasty as Iphara can be, Urain is far worse and calling it down is inexcusable on any level. I for one would love to see a write-up for Urain. Gagarth is a wimp in comparison. :)

Michael Richard Schwartz | Language is my playground,
mschwartz_at_... | and words, its slides and
Ann Arbor, Michigan  USA | swingsets. -- yours truly

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