Re: Fog of war

From: Michael Schwartz <mschwartz_at_...>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:05:58 -0500

Reinier wrote:

>There is in fact a Urain write-up on Wesley's

It is a RUNEQUEST cult description however, not much use for HEROQUEST/HERO WARS play. Also, Wesley's write-up, while decent, is not precisely how I envision Urain. THUNDER REBELS tells us that Urain is the Bad Wind (any Bad Wind, until it is identified as some other unseasonal weather phenomenon) which Orlanth fought when it first appeared at Mount Lyran. STORM TRIBE tells us that Urain is a ritual enemy whose appearance is without warning or apparent cause, and that it slew Ereltharol the Black Ram. LORDS OF TERROR tells us this about Urain:

  "When violence knows no restraint it becomes a tool   of chaos and destruction, creating nothing in its   wake. This first happened when the black clouds of   chaos dropped the Bad Rain into the world, but it   has happened often, whenever a warrior or berserker   allows the violence to completely fill their soul.   Do not let violence take control of you, for even   the blessed healers cannot calm the soul of Urain,   and any warrior with the battle madness must be put   down like a rabid beast."

The few additional snippets available further this idea of Urain as a perversion of violence into the blood-thirsty slaughter that is indicative of Chaos. Wesley's write-up was just not *mindless* enough in its violence for my tastes. Gagarth is a thinking-outlaw's god; few, in my opinion, (if any) take up Urain's path of their own accord.

Michael Richard Schwartz | Language is my playground,
mschwartz_at_... | and words, its slides and
Ann Arbor, Michigan  USA | swingsets. -- yours truly

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