Re: Re: Glorantha Miniatures

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 10:09:02 -0700

Hi Howard

> I am well aware of all the 25mm ranges, being primarily a wargamer and
> a role-player second.

Okay, never can tell when someone comes on. :-)

> My complaint [or comment] is at the way the new Glorantha range is being
> marketed. Single figures per blister for the Heros and personalities makes
> sense and is the way to go. Three figure packs of troopers--ie. "Lunar
> Warband", etc--makes no sense at all. From both the rpg and wargaming
> camps. How is one supposed to build units? Where are the command figures
> (Officer, Musician and Standard - as applicable?) If I am building wargame
> units I would typically want 20-24 figures per unit with 1-3 poses of
> trooper and a command complement. Similarly, if one were to want to
> represent the player party encountering a Lunar patrol in a tabletop rpg
> the current blister packaging fails again. How is the referee supposed to
> represent the 10 Thunder Delta Slingers his Orlanthi have encountered? Buy
> the 10 blisters of "Lunar Warband" (getting 20 extra figures he may or may
> not use?) Or say, "Pass - Lets see which of the 15-20 Historical miniature
> ranges out there is a better match?"


All I can say is "I agree with you"", but the blisters aren't yet marketed towards the Wargamer. From the types of figures and the packaging & marketing strategy, I'd class the figures as "Collectables" in the same way that Foundry does, rather than wargame or RPG figures. The Warbands blisters are taken directly form the bands pictured in Thunder rebels, which is nice if you're collecting the whole set, but not so nice for actual 'bands for gaming.

Were I running the minis line, I *would* be looking at the wargamer's perspective, but I am not.

Having bought figures for Glorantha for years without official "Glorantha TM" figures available, I can say that you get adept at finding interesting figure lines and swapping shields/heads/weapons :-)


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