Re: Parchment Heroes, anyone?

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 00:06:12 +1000

> I'm *delighted* to announce that two additional pages of Dario Corrallo's
> superb, print-quality Cardboard Heroes for Glorantha are now available for
> download from - Scorpionmen and Warriors!

These are really great. I was wondering how Poser type renders would work as parchment heroes, so I have shamelessly adapted Dario's template and produced a small set of three Vingans & an Orlanthi from my own artwork. These can, for the time being, be downloaded from Questlines as a high quality TIFF graphic. Because of bandwidth restrictions I will need to take them down in a few weeks.

The artwork wasn't originally produced with parchment heroes in mind, and the styles vary slightly from figure to figure, but I'm pleased with the result. I'd be interested in hearing privately from users as to which ones print and work best. I can see myself eventually doing up a set of the heroes in my rp group, which includes zebra and bison riders, sun templars, a vingan, a humakti and several Orlanthi.

Thanks again to Dario and to Nick for making the originals available.



nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes

"Loud were they, lo, loud when they rode over the burial mound, I stood under the linden wood, under a light shield where the mighty women put forth their powers and sent their yelling spears."

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