Re: Daunting Dragon Pas

From: theunspokenword <hia15_at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 18:53:11 -0000

Dragon Pass is now such a rich location that it can appear daunting. My suggestion is start small. Following the trajectory of the Sartar Rising series, from BA into the actual rebellion, start off at a clan level. The Lunars occasionally impinge on your clan's life, but at first it is HW-as-soap-opera: who gets the girl, who wins the chieftain's contest, who shows greatest vigour driving off the cattle raiders? This gives the campaign time to settle down, everyone gets used to each other, the rules and the settings and also characters and players alike can begin to develop relationships and care about their little slice of the world.

Then, when you and they are ready, you can either ease them out, with some trips to the Big City, a visit from the rebels, etc. Or, kick them out with drama and decision - you return from a hunting trip and wonder why no one stops you at the edge of the tula - then you see the smoke from where the village is. Or Kallyr comes along and says *you* - you are the one of whom the prophesy spoke, or whatever.

Hope this helps,


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