Re: Re: Humakti and Heortlings law?

From: Darran <darransims_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 21:33:26 +0100

Greetings and Salutations

jeffkyer wrote:
> > I suppose.... It does raise the question of who hires these
> > mercenary warbands, however. It doesn't seem to be the sort of thing
> > clans would do very often, especially for Humakti. Why hire a bunch
> > of deadly killers when all you want to do is spank the neighbors? Of
> > course, if you want to really kill off the neighbors, that's a
> Times have changed from the days of teh Kingdom - more clans are
> feuding than just raiding. The Heortlings are falling apart with
> intercine strife (as Fazzur seemes to have hoped).
> I think that, had you asked teh question in the 1580's, one would have
> said, "You're right." But in the 1620's? I think that the country
> is falling apart. Praxians and Grazers seem to raid with impunity.
> There are bandits EVERWYERE. A weak clan or one which took a
> beating in the last rebellion might be very, very interested in
> hiring on some Humakti - and if you're locked in a blood-feud? So much
> the better! Now that there's no Confederation/Kingdom/Whatever, we
> can give those Black Oaks what they truly deserve...!

A poor stead may be able to afford_Seven_Humakti to protect the stead from the evil bandits. Especially if they convince a couple of the Humakti to do it for death-wish reasons. Not all the Humakti are expected to survive but to die honourably with their swords in their hands and many of their enemies to accompany them to the halls of the dead.


"Fiat justitia ruat coelum."

'Let Justice be done
though the heavens should fall'

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