Re: Re: Alakoring vs Heortling vs Vingkotling

From: KYER, JEFFREY <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 09:27:02 -0400

> I am pretty sure one at least of the Argrath's uses one of the following legal tricks:
> a) All men are descended from Orlanth therefore I am eligible*

Many "men" joined their clans to Orlanth -- Orlanth would take anyone who would at least obey the laws of the Storm Tribe.  

> b) Of course any clan who survived the Darkness, The Gbaji Wars, EWF and the Lunar invasion must have a blood link to Heort (only the worthy survived) and I have the lawspeakers to prove it.*

Nope. Heort gathered together the scattered survivors and brought them into the Silver Age. (see above)  

> c) You say I am only a stickpicker. But my allies here are of the right bloodlines and have in fact adopted me into their family. Adoption makes me part of their bloodline (none of this earthly genetic crap)*

YOUR ancestors are stickpickers (unless you go way back, and even then we're not sure). MY ancestors were far more illustrious. And blood will tell -- stickpicker. =)  

> * and I have this huge army to back me up

Okay -- you can be king. For now, Mr. Bad King (Urgrain?). For now. (Where's Harmast when you need him?)  

> d) Or else he just turns up to the Royal Court and says "Hey you of the right bloodline, adopt me or else I send my army to lay waste to your lands."
> Of course the effeminate wimps who were relying on the fact they actually really do come from the right bloodline will be pissed off and will cry into their beers. But if they don't have a bigger army they should just count themselves lucky they don't suffer an accidental visit by the Wolf Pirates like Kallyr did.

Actually, no. I'll just go and get help from my illustrious ancestors and demonstrate just why you are unworthy. Of course, we could be wrong and you could be a good king. But no one can make you do anything.... and neither can you! =)

Sorry, just poking a bit with the idea.


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