Re: Baron's Friends

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 18:48:33 -0700


> Didn't Vinga chop the giant's head off in her myth in Storm Tribe? I
> feel a feat coming on... And Humakt, of course, has a Decapitate Foe
> feat.

The Storm Tribe myth was adapted from my East Ralios version, where Vinga would certainly take trophy heads (what warrior wouldn't?). I wouldn't read too much into this.

(Unless of course you want to -- my Dawn Age Vingan once sliced the head off a statue.)

Oh, another point: this is a myth of long ago. So it may well reflect archaic practices.


David Dunham   <mailto:dunham_at_...>
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