RE: future in ralios

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 20:11:21 +0100

Samuel asks:

> and so where can i found details about the freeform " rise in ralios "
> is there a book or web page about this .

The book "The World's Greatest Tournament" (produced by the German RuneQuest Society in 1996) supported the freeform, but didn't detail it (if you see what I mean). Probably v. hard to find copies nowadays.

> i know that greg stefford played foyalfine .
> is there in this freeform .

No, Greg played Foyalfine in the first run of "How the West was One" at Convulsion 2 (Leicester, UK, July 1994).

> is there informations from his betrayals and actions in details
somewhere ?

I'm not aware of any detailed accounts of what happened in that run of the game, other than the assembled character writeups found in "Proceedings in Malkionism"; the RQCon 2 Compendium accounts are from the second run of the freeform (San Francisco, USA, Jan 1995) so they won't describe what Greg got up to as Foyalfine.

Further, I assure you that anything that happened in either run of HtWwO (or any of our other freeforms) is *completely* unofficial. The two German freeforms set in Ralios will have better, more relevant info re: Ralian future events (as this wasn't a major focus of HwWwO), but that *still* won't be official. Lots of fun things Greg does when playing other people's games are unofficial... don't worry about it so much!

Cheers, Nick

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