Re: Humakti acceptability

From: t_m_ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 16:02:29 -0000

Of course Yanafils actions have occurred since time began- while Carmanian Humakti, and (obviously) Yanafali will be aware of this link, will the Heortling Humakti necessarily draw the distinction? - and more particularly the Heortling non-humakti?

I suspect that, particularly where there is no Humakti to say otherwise, many Heortlings would assume that the Yanafali is a follower of some foreign version of, or subcult of Humakt - the fact that the Yanafali will recognise the name "Humakt" and (probably) a number of the Humakti myths probably helps this identification. THe differences will only be spotted when the Yanafali behaves in a way totally alien to the observers concept of "Humakt", or possibly if a Humakti does some form of divination to determine the status of the foreigner...

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