Re: Ernalda's fighting daughters

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 12:27:29 +1000


> Since these goddesses are all daughters of Ernalda, I am led to wildly
> speculate that there might well be more warrior daughters for
> Heortling clans, worshipping Flamal and Argan Argar. Is this indeed the
> case?

The fighting goddesses of the Heortlings are collectively known as the War Women, and include Vinga, Maran Devor, Erantha Gor, Babeester Gor, Bevara, and Enferalda.

Women fighters may also join Humakt and Heler, and through Vinga initiation, Urox and various Orlanth subcults (though not aspects).

I've no doubt others exist - just as there are hundred of Thunder Brothers, the Earth is fruitful, and her daughters are many.

In the Umath Age, Urox married dozens of Earth goddesses, and fathered many children. This aspect has yet to be explored, and I'm sure there are a few interesting 'wild earth' cults just waiting to be detailed.

Some Flamal daughters would certainly be fun as well. I'm not so sure about daughters of surface darkness - though Torkani type cults will seem pretty weird to Uz and Heortling alike, so its at least possible. Orlanth had at least one child by Dark Woman - Crushing Noise - and perhaps some daughters as well.

Be sure to share anything you come up with. :)



nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes

The cloaked one's hero heat shakes wide the city wall. With feat and spear and magic bolt the final rite begins. War-band's white bull, a dragon in strife, Feeds he most fulsome the dogs of the Death-Lord.

The Righteous Wind returns to range free! Open your arms, let it hurl against your faces, hair and eyes streaming. You have breath,

               voice, limb and power.
Hurricane rebels, what you must.

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