Re: What's the current Received Wisdom on ducks?

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 20:34:28 +1000

> --AMS, who isn't going to bring up Zowak Zowan

Zowak Zowan is serwious. Deadly Serwious.

Worshipped only by the black feather ducks, the dusk loving DurUZ. Tolerated because of there hatwed of the dwead wampyre ducks of unlife, who worship Count Down and Duckula.

Twagic, Twagic...


nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes

I am the terror that flaps in the night... I am the batteries that aren't included
I am the Heimlich maneuver for the choking victims of crime I am the beaked hero that every culture needs I am the low point in your sine wave
I am the plot twist in the second reel
I am the one hundred and one word character narrative I am the substantial and inescapable penalty for early withdrawal I am the super nova at the center of the dark universe I am the tube of cadmium yellow that's impossible to open I am DARKWING DUCK!

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