RE: Re: Lunar Engineer, I think

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 10:47:48 +0100

Also, we know the Lunars in Pavis had some *way* OTT siege gear (Dwarf Rocket Ladders used in the assault on the Cradle), so it'd be reasonable to suppose they have some army engineering types.

I agree with Peter's general principle that:

> Visiting Lunars may have exotic powers but they are usually there for
> some special purpose and would not be part of the garrison.

But given the (deliberate?) incompetence of the Lunar bureaucracy, it's entirely possible that someone who *shouldn't* ever have been assigned to the Pavis garrison is stuck there, trying to get reassigned. (Remember, Sor-eel himself is trying and failing to extricate himself from a particularly shitty job -- what hope for his underlings?).

Cheers, Nick

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