Re: Humakti

From: shannonwright_1966 <shwright17_at_...>
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2002 01:25:42 -0000

 Oh, come now . It is not like most GM's we know have not thought of this stuff already. Besides it does make a lot of sense.
 Think about it . By being excellent at your weapons and being dedicated to Humakt and his code, you can bring Death about more often and with better percision and honor.

  Makes me think of a scene.............fields of skeletons and zombies coming out of the ground to haunt the land , when, in the distance you hear the rumbling of booted feet and metal armor...........your hear Wagner's " Valkyrie " in the background ...... and you see on the horizion and running mob of armored warriors, greatswords and axes gleaiming in the sunset yelling " HUMAKT !!"......Cutting through the undead like a hot knife through newly churned butter.

   Kinda reminds me of The Pharohs bodyguard ancestors fighting the Army of Anubis in " Mummy II "

            Praise be to Humakt, Lord of Death.

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