RE: Lunar doctrine and Tatius

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2002 08:36:46 +0100

Martin writes:

> Where [the Lunar Army does] have issues is when for _political_ rather
> than military reasons command is given to those ill suited to that
> of war. Such as Tatius. Tatius being a DH would see the march of the
> phalanx and the gleaming ranks of battle as being the ultimate form of
> war and though he might be flexible in some ways, he cannot concieve
> of a more perfect way of fighting and will always strive to force his
> enemies into his own decision cycle rather than determine the best way
> of defeating them.

If Tatius were a sufficiently powerful heroquester, of course, this would be an excellent strategy. Unfortunately for him (and -- more particularly -- for his army), he ain't. I guess he's just over-ambitious: trying to achieve by himself what the godlike heroes and emperors of the past were capable of.

That's the downside of an Empire encouraging people to develop their potential to the max, I suppose. Back in the good old Dara Happan days, even nobles like Tatius would have known their limits. Not so any more.

Cheers, Nick

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