Re: A little Elmal question

From: charlescorrigan <charles_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 17:16:38 -0000

I think that Greg meant that, in the Orlanthi Mythology at the Dawn, Orlanth killed the Evil Emperor and the Evil Emperor was not the Sun. Under Nysalor's (and the various Council's) unification of the Heortlings and Darra Happan's, Orlanthi began to identify the Darra Happan Sun emperor with their Evil Emperor. Conversely, the Darra Happans started to identify Orlanth as the Rebellius Terminus of their mythology.

This could be relatively easily done because they had 'compatible' enemy slots in their mythologies for one another. And by making a previously abstract enemy into a concrete rival, they strengthened the powers of their own myths. I suspect that this worked well for Darra Happans and Orlanthi groups that were friendly and would voluntarily take part in each others myths. But the friendly practice of identification, strengthened that identification to the point that enemies could actually use that identification as a weapon.

In effect, Harmast redesigned the core of Heortling mythology with his synthesis of myths into the Lightbringer's quest. The core of the Lightbringers quest was the original myth of the Lifebringers quest, where Orlanth went to hell to get Ernalda back. But he tacked on all myths of power that he could reasonably manage and, in particular, designed in aspects of his enemies myths so he could tap into their (his enemies) power and turn it against them. So, just by being themselves and performing their religious duties, the Darra Happans were supporting Harmast.

And I am sure that the visit to Sorcerers' Town somehow used Hrestol's martyrdom to further power the quest. And Sofal too and every other meeting until they were well into the Underworld and started to fail at tasks.


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