Re: Dundealos Tribe (was: Defence and leaders)

From: jeffkyer <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 16:26:39 -0000

Its mentioned in Barbarian Adventures under the Pol Joni and Dundealos entries.

> is the case, with many of the Dundealos having distant Pol Joni
> in Barbarian Town etc.


> As such, yes they might have trouble with nomads (who have managed
to get
> past the Barbarian Town Pol Joni in the first place). But I think
> Ulric Dundealos might just have picked up one or two tricks to use
> fighting nomads from the time he spent fostered to Uncle Ghostshirt
> Babarian Town....

Proboably true. And steads can be surrounded by stakes or hedges of thorns. The problem is that farmers are vulnerable to the fast-moving nomad raids and by nature, the clans are usually split up. Such 'border' clans would probably have a lot more mounted warriors and defences than most clans - which makes them poorer as they spend more time maintaing them. Sort of like the Lismelder's problem with the Marsh except faster moving...

In the days of Sartar, I think they probably had some sort of mounted patrols to ward off bigger nomad raids. I think that the Lunars do much the same - can't have those settlers from Aggar and Tarsh who are so loyal to the Empire get massacred.  

> On a vaguely related topic - my impression of the Pol Joni and the
> "bastard" tribes has always been that they are relatively "settled"
nomads -
> tending to keep to the Sartar Prax border (good foraging on them

Yes. Besides, the Verge is much better grazing than the chapparel of the Plaines of Prax. Cattle can't really survive in the deeper desert and the Verge makes a good place to live. They just keep it from the animal nomads and encroaching tribesmen.

> as any other nomads are duty bound to slaughter them at site
(despite Derik
> "proving" their right to be there in the past). And they are
> part of the Kingdom of Sartar anyway aren't they?

Sorta. Kinda. But most nomads slaughter any other nomads when convient.  

> And where does their religion fit now - are they animists of the
> Tradition, with "Little Brother" for the males (i.e. misapplied
> Worship)? Or are they theists who (misapplied-ly?) worship Eiriatha
as one
> of Ernalda's aspects/analogues?

Mixed. I think Greg's metnioned something on this in previous messages to the list.  


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