Re: Dundealos Tribe (was: Defence and leaders)

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 08:16:02 +0200

Mike Gibb :

> As such, yes they might have trouble with nomads (who have managed to
> get past the Barbarian Town Pol Joni in the first place).

I think all members of the Swenstown Confederation, but particularly the Dundealosi, helped defend East Sartar against the Praxians, the Dundealosi probably having cavalry units travelling during the raiding with PJ clans. A mutual defense and assistance pact, certainly leading to more inter-tribal marriages than usual in Sartar.

Post-1618, the defenses of east Sartar are probably far less efficient than previously.

> On a vaguely related topic - my impression of the Pol Joni and the
> other "bastard" tribes has always been that they are relatively
> "settled" nomads

I see the main bastard tribes as semi-nomads, and I think each of the tribes has its own particular method of semi-nomadism : the Sartari PJs have tulas IMO, and most clans maintain some presence, at least, on the tula all year 'round.


There'll be lots of info on the PJs in Les Erudits de l'Ambigu N� 3, appearing some time this year, if you read French.


> - tending to keep to the Sartar Prax border (good
> foraging on them foothills) as any other nomads are duty bound to
> slaughter them at site (despite Derik "proving" their right to be
> there in the past). And they are technically part of the Kingdom of
> Sartar anyway aren't they?

The non-PJ bastards are unwilling buffer peoples, sandwiched between Sartar & the PJs, and the nomads.

> And where does their religion fit now - are they animists of the
> Eiriatha Tradition, with "Little Brother" for the males (i.e.
> misapplied Orlanth Worship)? Or are they theists who (misapplied-ly?)
> worship Eiriatha as one of Ernalda's aspects/analogues?

Mainly theists worshipping Orlanth and co., with a large minority of Eiritha animists. Living side-by-side, with the odd misapplied minor cult or two.

Actually, the old RQ2 system of powerful Rune Magic and minor Battle Magic (using focuses AKA fetishes, and matrices), and a minority of shamans is _very_ close to the mainstream PJ magical methods, if that's any help ?

Julian Lord

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