A Good End in Badside Part V

From: bernuetz <bernuetz.oliver_at_...>
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 00:54:57 -0000

Part V

Jorjar looked at me in a shocked manner, admiration and disgust waging a battle for control of his face. He couldn't help himself and asked,
"Doesn't this revolt you?", pointing at the corpse-I hadn't thought he
meant the ever present stench of slaughtered animals-"Don't you feel sick?" I shrugged and lied, "Oh, please I was an informer in Glamour.  Worse things happen there at kiddie parties." It's the kiddie party part that's the lie, worse things definitely happen in Glamour. All the time. Unfortunately it's usually the authorities who do them there. Also unfortunately I have seen worse. But I have to admit this was pretty bad for Pavis. I don't think even a feuding Praxian who go to such an effort. A look of something approaching admiration crept over Jorjar's face and I finally thought we might be able to work together...as long as I kept lying that is. "So who is he? Has he been identified yet? Jorjar shook his head. "Then why is this so sensitive then?" Jorjar smiled broadly and nodded at a dark corner. Damn, I'd missed the pile of gilt plate lying there. Blast, a sunshine boy. Jorjar kept smiling and I realized that I'd just lost my hard won ground.

"So, have the bright boys been notified yet?" Jorjar grunted
negation. "Are you going to tell them," I asked. Again a negatory grunt. This was getting to be like finding nits on a particularily bushy-haired Ulerian. But not as much fun. "Is Sor-Eel going to tell them then?" Ooh a nod. I win! "Hmm, so I take it no one at the bridge saw the late bright boy here cross over?" Another negatory grunt. "Have you started questioning the locals." "Not yet." "And you're waiting for all the witnesses to skedaddle off are you?" There was that scowl again. He ducked out of the building and started yelling at his flunkeys. Ha, another point for me! I took this opportunity for a closer look at the stiff. Yes he was stiff, he'd been dead quite a while. No pool of blood on the ground, that's strange. Pretty gruesome job, very professionally done. We'll have to grill all the butchers around here. I chuckled at that one. His wedding tackle was in the normal place so it probably wasn't revenge for a cuckolded husband or a rape. Kind of strange not to remove it anyway though. Pretty standard torture technique after all. They hadn't finished then? Unlikely, no sign of any haste or rush though.  Hmm, I would have to think some more about this one. I checked the pile of gear over. Sigh, an iron shortsword? A bag of wheels? Gilt plate? Oh come on! This guy was wearing and carrying more wealth than most Pavisites have on their person, in their homes and buried under their dirt floors. Maybe this wasn't such a professional job after all. I wonder if Jorjar had counted what was in the money bag?  Hmm, not worth I decided.

Just then I heard the sound of a trumpet outside. Subtle like a brick. Must be more of the bright boys. I ducked out to have a look.

To be continued.


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