(no subject)

From: morganconrad <morganconrad_at_...>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 22:36:21 -0000

Jeff writes:

"Things fall for magical reasons, not physical ones. Try to have a little fun with things. Its a world that is NOT ours."

Agreed, the world is not the same as ours. But, to me, what ultimately makes Glorantha fun is the similarities, not the differences. YMMV. PCs are corrupt, conceited, jealous, lusty, loyal, brave, etc. Whether rivers flow up or down adds ZERO to my enjoyment of Glorantha. It just adds annoyance, foe example:

If all water moves towards Magasta's Pool, how does rain fall down - shouldn't it fall at about an 88 degree angle? Seems like all the Heortling huts would be very strangely shaped - no roofs, one really watertight wall. :-)

And, if a boat, which presumably is subject to gravity and wants to go down, is on a river flowing up, which way does the boat move?

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