Vinga Likewise.

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 07:43:07 -0700

John Hughes asks
>This is important and basic enough for
>us to ask clarification from Issaries.

For you, John, I reply.
Before starting I am somewhat fascinated by such concentration on Vinga, who is clearly so beloved by so many.

At 09:41 PM 8/25/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>> >>>>>> > >> Spoilers below.

This blank space is so irritating that I nearly skipped this entire string.

>There has been some discussion and alternative views presented about who
>loses what when Orlanth draws breath and goes all quiet for a bit to
>cunningly deceive the silly Lunars*. I've found the discussion helpful,
>though the answer seems to depend on your preexisting views as to the nature
>and interrelationship of the deities.

Efforts to educate people about the nature of mythology and the nature of the Heortling pantheon requires, and the nature of the storytelling in Glorantha requires this ambiguity. I want to go on record as agree with everything that Mark Galeotti said.

Before going on, let me assure everyone of two things: YGWV, and your story is the critical factor in decision making.

>I'm looking at my pc Vingan

I am surprised at this. I thought my list was pretty clear in listing who still has magic from among the normal player cults. Vinga ain't on it. She is a daughter of Orlanth and Ernalda, in most cases. Barntar doesn't get to keep his magic. Nor his sister.

>It seems to me that and trying to solve it from the perspective of
>her beliefs and the source of her personal power as well as from the
>somewhat enigmatic "Deities with Magic" list on page 43 of ODBAGAQFABTCDTSL

Please tell me why this is enigmatic. But I thought it was pretty clear that "deities with magic" was a basic list of the deities whose magic was unaffected by this.

>(aka OID). What is this list exactly supposed to be, a comprehensive list of
>the cults not affected by Windstop?

Comprehensive? Certainly I have no intention of listing every known god and goddess in all the literature I've very made.

>Vinga's not on the list, which works for me. Vinga is generally accepted as
>daughter of Orlanth and Ernalda, or as an expression of Orlanth.

That is my perspective.

>Now there are three main Vingan affinities: Combat, Movement and Inspire
>Non-Combatant. Movement gets blown away (so to speak) no argument. Combat...
>is mixed. Some, like Leaping Shield and Mile Javelin Throw, are clearly
>air-related - so they go.

I'd point out here that Ernalda is also cast into her cosmic sleep. I wouldn't make a title called Orlanth is dead and Ernalda is Asleep again, but the text seems pretty obvious about the effect also being upon her.

>Others, like Fight Against Rapist, seem to stem in
>part from the initiate herself and her relationship with her clan, and I
>would personally retain them with strong negative modifiers.

Fascinating piece of muddy justification, since all mythology is simultaneously from the worshipper and her relationship to the clan, AND from the deities themselves.

>Likewise the
>third Vinga affinity, 'Inspire Non-Combatant'. These particular feats are
>unique to the Goddess, stem in part from the worshipper channelling her own
>rage and power and life-instincts, and were all forged to survive the
>Greater Darkness (which is now, kinda). I'd retain this affinity with only
>small negative modifiers.

Nice storytelling!

>So Vinga IMG, short answer: lose magic. Long Answer: lose *some* magic.

This is exactly the kind of search an wonder that I would imagine would go on in every clan, among every worshipper and in every campaign to suit the needs of the individual story and game.

>Of course the list of deities and this entire discussion is very
>non-Heortling, as it builds on assumptions and connections Heortlings may
>not make. But for game purposes, necessary.
>Think about those clans who worship Vinga as a hero (Harold Smith's 'out of
>Saird" mythology). Most would still see her as an Orlanth hero - and so
>expect her to lose her powers. Those who emphasise her Heort connections, or
>other connections... will no doubt have interesting fireside discussions as
>they slowly freeze.

"I know," says Naradanin, "Let's argue until we are warm."

Greg Stafford, greg_at_...
Issaries, Inc. 900 Murmansk St., Suite 5; Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: (510) 452 1648 Fax: (510) 302 0385 Publisher of Hero Wars, Roleplaying in Glorantha See our site at: <>

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