RE: Re: Uroxi sense Chaos-tainted/marked ?

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 09:33:19 +1200

At 05:28 PM 8/29/02 -0400, you wrote:

> >The rationale for Ikadz is that he receives the souls of the evil-doers
> >and cleanses them before they can join the other dead. *Not* to
> >interrogate but to *purgate*.

>Ah, that's dead people though, what about the torture of the living against
>their will or desires?

Depends on whether the people concerned are evil or not. Most gloranthans consider this just deserts if they are.

> Is torture an inherently evil act?

Is disease inherently evil?

If you want to avoid gloranthans torturing for fun and kicks, then the best way to do this IMO would be to describe the slow transformation of a person into an Ikadzi and the attendant social ostracism that results. Ideally he should be worse off socially than a Humakti.

> >Whether this is evil or not is up to you, but I do think that Danfive
> >Xaron's cult is not evil.

>Don't they only deal with people who have volunteered (or at least
>agreed as an alternative to death) to being "treated" by them?

Ideally, yes. However practice has a bad habit of fallen short.

--Peter Metcalfe

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