Re: Chaos: culturally relative? (was Re: Uroxi sense Chaos-tainted/marked ?)

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 11:03:26 +1200

Andrew Solovay

> > There is no cultural relativity in what is chaotic.

>Can we say that? Let me try a f'rinstance:

>Treason is chaotic, yes? We can all agree on that? (Krjalk, God of
>Traitors and all of that?) But the definitions of "treason" will,
>*necessarily*, vary from one culture to the next.

The core action is the same.

>But a particular, specific action--say, telling your overlord, "Screw
>you--I'm not going on that mission unless you do something about my
>taxes"--might be treasonous (and thus chaotic) in one place,

Which is not treason anywhere but falls under the definition or mutiny, rebellion or striking.

>non-treasonous (and thus non-chaotic) in another. A Malkioni who does
>that might turn into a broo; a Sazdorfi faces no such risk.

Traitors do not turn into Broos for Thed is not the Goddess of Treason.

--Peter Metcalfe

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