Re: Re: Bows and Aldryami

From: eD wALLACE <edward_l_wallace_at_...>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 10:06:38 -0700 (PDT)

 bethexton wrote:There are many ways to learn something from somebody. For example, in the US there was a member of one of the native tribes (Navajo maybe? I don't recall properly) who saw how the settlers used books and read and wrote. Although he didn't know how to read English, he saw the usefulness of this, so invented a (apparently very elegant) 90 character syllabary (a syllabary describes the common syllables of a language, as opposed to an alphabet which describes the common sounds) for his language, which became fairly widely used by his people.

The inventor of the syllabary was George Guess, more commonly called Sequoyah and he was Cherokee. Take it from someone who's part Cherokee and intensely studies their heritage.

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