The Mistress Race lays deep plans...

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 15:09:53 -0700

>From William Safire's column today:

    Here's [Saudi Prince] Abdullah's trump card: As soon as he     becomes king, he'll doublecross the Sudairis, skip over     Sultan and the rest of that aging generation of King Fahd's     brothers and appoint one of Fahd's sons crown prince. That's     Abdullah al-Aziz bin Fahd, nicknamed Uzuz (the dear one), son     of King Fahd and his favorite wife, Jawhara, and a smart guy     of about 60.

Hm... 60 is a little young for an Uzuz to be given a position of responsibility, and one would think that hot land would be unpleasant for the Dark Men. But the Mistress Race is subtle. The Old World is over, and Wonderhome is rebuilt on the sands of the desert...

--AMS, too damned silly for this list

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