A Good End in Badside - Part XXII

From: bernuetz.oliver_at_...
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 18:00:12 -0400

The questioning proved to be a big waste of time. Either no one had seen anything or they were hiding it. Considering the hatred the staff seemed to feel towards Cressidus I wasn't all that surprised. I was pretty annoyed though, enough so in fact that I confronted Silibar with the thought that maybe one or more of her staff were conspiring with the murderer or murderers of one of her guests. I tactlessly suggested this reflected poorly both on both her management abilities and her guest's safety. She did not receive this suggestion well and promised to further grill her staff, her choice of words, not mine. I think I'll eat elsewhere in the future. She did promise to keep me posted on whether she learned anything from them. I decided to leave and call back at a later date. I'd managed to escape getting too much rubble runner gore on me so my happiness at being clean wasn't completely gone. Unfortunately I wasn't sure where to turn next. Now I had two dead bright boys on my hands and someone or someone's who were actively trying to hide things and obscure matters by stashing rubble runners in inconvenient places. If I could figure out why they were bothering I might have a better idea as to why the bright pair had been killed in the first place. I decided that I would head back to the Sun Dome and see if I could have a chat with Karial the Pure. I started heading back across town. As I was crossing Founders Market a crazy caught my attention. Normally I ignored the crackpots and nutters that Pavis seems to attract. I've said it before but it bears saying again, despite its size the population of Pavis is almost as diverse as that of Glamour. And that includes nutters. You get all kinds here most of whom are left to their crazy little existence by the authorities. They're all assured a free lunch by the Deezola kitchen and they're hardly in danger of freezing to death if they sleep outside. The thing about this crazy that caught my eye though, beside his being nicely dressed for a nutter, was the company he kept. He was standing on a big sandstone block and haranging the sparse crowd who had bothered to listen to him and at his back on the block was an elf.
I hate elves, no make that all aldryami. My people come from Rist way back some of the original settlers after the Moonburn and from birth we got it knocked into our heads that elves are bad news. My grandad always said, "They'll be back one of these days. Mind my words sonny boy someday you'll see hordes of them leafy bastards coming over the horizon and when they do we'll all be doomed. Doomed, I tell ya!" I shook my head. Grandad was another nutter but it's hard to go against generations of hate. I know the Goddess teaches us to be tolerant of everyone and everything but She doesn't have to live with 'em. I'd sooner kiss a vampire than an elf, hell I don't even like to eat vegetables.
But as I was saying this nutter caught my eye because of his sidekick sprout. The nutter looked all rational and sane for a nutter and the sprout looked leafy and mysterious like they all do. I decided to amuse myself by listening to the nutjob and edged closer to his stone. I was catching him mid-rant it seemed.
"...and I tell you good folks that this is a time of turmoil. A time of
nearing greatness, of great deeds and great heroes. I do not know where these visions come from, I only know that some force sends me visions to share with you, mad rhymes for mad times as it were." He paused for breath and then continued, "And I tell you we shall see a time when the Red Moon passes from the Middle Air.."
It was at this point that I started looking around for Lunar soldiers. This is not the sort of topic they like to hear.
"...and a new age will dawn. Will it be a time of darkness or of new light?
That is up to you my friends."
Sure enough right on cue my trained ear caught the sound of marching sandals. I decided to make myself scarce. The sprout had caught the sound as well and grabbed the nutter by the arm. He started to resist but the sound of hobnails was getting loud enough to pierce even his fantasies so he didn't resist. They headed away from the square back down Parade Way. Since that route led most obviously to the Pavis Temple or the wall around the Big Rubble as they'd never get through the gate there my curiosity as to just where the hell they were going was peaked. Against my better judgment I trailed along behind them.
The rest of the small crowd had of course dispersed before the soldiers made them do so. Very smart move on their part. I couldn't move as fast as the sprout or the nutter but I did see them climbing the steps of the pyramid shaped temple to Pavis. So did the leader of the Lunar soldiers who had now come into view. He let out a standard, "Stop on order of the governor" which was ignored of course. When they got to the top of the pyramid they stopped. The nutjob was standing staring back at the soldiers looking extremely worried, as well he should, while the sprout just stood there like he was in a trance or something.
The soldiers didn't bother racing to climb the pyramid and arrest these evildoers since they were pretty much trapped. Like them I was sure that the pair were goners. Boy, were we wrong. As the soldiers reached the bottom step something came whipping over the top of the bloody wall of the Big Rubble like a snake! I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a vine of some sort and it appeared to be growing over the top of the wall. It grew all the way down to the top of the temple where the sprout grabbed it by one limb and the nutter around the waist with the other. Then it seemed to shrink and it pulled them back up and over the wall!
To be continued.

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