Less of this pagan malarkey!

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 14:08:44 +0100

Yes, there's just far too much wittering on about storm gods and funny moon goddesses and even those dark krjalki things going on on the internet. Just look at it, Heortlings here, Heortlings there, perhaps the odd Lunar or Uz page, but is there much Malkioni stuff on the web? Well, possibly some, I'll grant you, but not nearly enough. We Malkioni are the ones who have the one true religion, you know, not you pagan types. So, I've made a start, by adding a Malkioni section to my website. There's not a lot there now, I grant you, but it has every chance of growing (I'm presently writing a lot of material on Jonatela because, well, because I feel like it). Learn about the Malkioni calendar, gasp in awe at the list of saints! And, er, well that's it at the moment, but we wouldn't want to over-excite you all, now, would we? No cool pictures? Well, no, but that's because we're nice and logical, you see, keep everything neat and simple. Malkionism: You know it makes sense.
Gamer and Skeptic

Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/

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