New poll for HeroWars

Date: 5 Oct 2002 17:35:30 -0000

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the HeroWars group:

Which is the most favorite hero of
Heortlings for you before Hero Wars?
(Sorry, I don't have any connection to
Cafe Press.)

  o Vingkot, the Brave, the son of Orlanth, victorious to all Battle, founded the first human tribe and became the first Highking of his own people. (Storm Age)   o Heort, the Swift and Great, who fought and we won, and made the Law after the Darkness and founded the peace and justice with all races. (Silver Age)   o Harmast, the Barefoot, who succeeded the first Lightbringer's Quest after Orlanth and defeated Palangio Iron Vrok and Nysalor by bringing back Arkat. (1st Age)   o Obduran, the Skyflyer, who taught how to achieve the mind of Cosmic Dragon and attain the Draconic Truth with Orlanth's Arangorf and Youf. (2nd Age)   o Alakoring, the Dragonbreaker, who tirelessly fought the filthy of Dragonspawns and destroyed the Diamond Storm Dragon, founded the Rex cult. (2nd Age)   o Gorangi Vak, the Bulltamer, Great King of Stormwalk and the tamer of Sky Bull and Uroxi. (2nd Age?)   o Sartar, the Peacemaker, the Larnsti Exile who founded his own Kingdom, glorious Sartar and Boldhome without any bloodshed.   o Sartar, the Peacemaker, the Larnsti Exile who founded his own Kingdom, glorious Sartar and Boldhome without any bloodshed.   o Any other hero of Orlanthi
  o None, because I dislike barbarians and if I'm at command, I'll destroy them all under the Glory of Red Moon.

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