Re: Infanticide?

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 14:48:57 +0300 (EEST)

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Graham Robinson wrote:

> >Are infanticide or abortion kinslaying?
> >(I don't think so.)

That's an excellent question.

> The Heortlings access to contraception magics suggest they would possibly
> be okay with abortion. No sign of it in the books though. Once a child is
> born though, it would be kinslaying - there is no evidence that the
> Heortlings regard infants as different from those about to be initiated.

I agree on the infants. I bet the Heortlings would be shocked at the idea of killing babies. But I bet there are ways to avoid preagnancy, and I'd guess that the women's circle have ways of aborting unwanted preagnancies without the men ever knowing of it.

> On the whole, though, I'd steer clear of the whole area during games.

A political correctness thing in US? Personally I can see how this may very well come up in a game. I hope I have an ansver to this when it does.


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