Re: Tula

From: kmnellist_at_...
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 06:39:50 EST

<< From: "Tom"
 Subject: fyrd  

 <<According to a telly program about the Battle of Hastings fyrd  seems to be pronounced 'fee - oo - erd' in a rich scandinavian  accent. Now how do i pronounce tula? 'toola' or 'tewla'?. Where  does tula come from? >>

I thought Tula was a Hoob. She came with Ivor, Roma and Groove from wherever Hoobs come from to compile the Great Hoobapedia.

I pronounce fyrd somewhere between fird, as in "first, second,..." and fjord as in "pining for the...". I try to avoid referecnes to the Fyrd Cortina, the common method of transporting warriors to the battlefield in anceint time, still used in parts of Ralios.


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