RE: lightning stunt (question from Falco)

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 02:12:06 -0000

... and how about rolling across the table, lighting the oily rag whilst loading the arbalest??

I think the answer is 'roll me a 1' :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rowe [mailto:mark.rowe4_at_...] Sent: 12 November 2002 18:38
Subject: [HeroWars]

what would the minus augment be for shooting a bolt of lightning from a hand in side a horses mouth to exit from the colon and hit 5 pairs of soldiers stood down wind of the subject horse could anyone help as i could not work it out

also would the horse survive and how long would its hair stand on end for?

Falco Tempesta

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