OT Telmori musings

From: Jeff Kyer2 <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 15:09:36 -0500

I was just thinking about something. A while ago, we made the discovery that White Wolf's "Werewolf The Apocalypse" made a very good vehicle for a Telmori game. The fit was frightening and eerie. The telmori are wolf-folks and infamous shapeshifters, very similar to White Wolf's "garou" (without being "throbbing engines of destruction").

The magic worked out well - both sets of wolf-folk use fetishes as their magic. Gnosis powered
fetishes and gewgaws worked out very well. Of course, the massive crinos garou form doesn't
exist among the Telmori but other than that, it seemed to work out well.

Oh yes, both telmori and garou are relics of an earlier time and actively getting whacked on. Like I said, scary parallels.

 Has anyone else found that some systems seem to work really well outside of their 'usual'
home or made other experiments?

(Oh, yes. We did a similar crossover using Mostali and Paranoia - Serve Mostal. Mostal Is
Your Friend. The heroes were the only 'broken' dwarfs - or so they thought)

Sorry if this isn't quite the place to put this...


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