Re: Playing/Handling powerful characters

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2002 13:24:52 -0000

There are many factors at work in what power level a game reaches. One is the hero point awards/hero point costs, another is another is the number of sessions that are played and the length of the campaign, and another is the number of HP expended to bump rolls to meet challenges in a session.

If you play 10 sessions a day, but only want a lower power game then you need to reduce hero point awards, or up the cost dramatically compared to someone who plays 12 times a year.

As it is difficult for II to know what the structure of your game is, and what power level you want it becomes difficult to give advice HP awards/costs that suit everyone. Only you know how often you play and what power level you want to rise too. If you want to limit advancement, then a suggestion like Graham's +1hp per W sounds good. Conversley if you are playing less regulalry but want greater advancement offstage or 'winter' hero point awards to spend on abilities might be called for. The most important thing is for everyone to agree where they want the game to be.

HQ does prevent the one ability wonder, surrounded by a host of supercapable  followers, by rationalising the proportions in which players spend points, the follower rules, and session awards. People have been listening :-)

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