RE: Re: Spending HP

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 18:28:46 -0000

> Are you trying to be offensive here?

NOT IN THE LEAST. Seems I really know how to give the wrong impression. It wasn't a challenge, merely a statement of 'how I see it'.

Please accept my apologies to anyone who feels I was directing comments at them; this wasn't the idea. I thought that (in the spirit of cooperation to achieve a common goal) we were trying to work out (together) how to proceed satisfactorily into the realms of higher character skill levels.

> But apparently I need to learn more wisdom (something I failed to do in
last two decades of running games) get some players with self control and change the stories I tell. Forget that the players feel quite challenged enough at the minute. Forget that we are all enjoying it thoroughly. Forget that there isn't a single overlap in the best three skills of the characters in the group. Obviously I shouldn't change the rules to support the stories we want to tell, I should change the stories to support the rules.

What?? Aarggh! Sorry sorry sorry!

When I said "You have to encourage a balance." I didn't mean "You, Graham, have to encourage a balance." - I meant "I think that's its a good idea to ..."

The whole thing of self control was an effort to show empathy with anyone who's running a game for people that use hero points in a way that's difficult to handle (with respect to writing scenarios).

In no way do I judge the use of new game constructs that formalise the process of fairly controlling power levels. We do this all the time (new constructs); no one can write a game that suits everyone's style of playing. We're, for example, considering the idea of handing out 'hero points vouchers' during games.

> Personally, I'd have thought that if the group is enjoying the stories,
then you shouldn't change the stories. But then I'm a fuckwit who knows no better and needs to be taught how to suck eggs.

I *did* offend you. Such was not my intent at all. Please accept my heartfelt apologies.

Seems I'm the fuckwit. Think I'll go and eat worms.


-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Robinson [mailto:graham_at_...]

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