Re: nonhuman campaign (turns out to be about elves)

From: bwbfc_at_...
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 00:16:42 EST

> What if I look for a "serious" and "epic" fantasy tale

> where the humans are not the star?
> I don't rem any, at the moment.

No, the only ones i can think are always meant to make a laugh of us humans, and do it marvelously well. Maybe humor is just necessary when facing the quirky sides of nonhuman nature. In Glorantha we have quite a good picture of trolls and dwarves and both sound really fun. I expect elves to be fun too, and really unnerving with all their Superego stuff don't do this don't that wooo that'll hurt the forest! Elves need to relentlessly maintain themselves in the harmony and poetry of the Forest Song, treat all vegetable things with the highest respect, and since they are part-Takers too they have to shed tears of guilt and sorrow every time they uproot a plant and because they are growers they dance and sing everytime new bloom comes up. They scorn humans who are a bunch of worthless never-do-wells with inferior intelligence and no respect for what is so important, the respect of Life, Nature, the tremendous Harmony of Existence, the Beauty of unbridled continuous creation. They keep their secrets well-hidden from them and when with pride and grandiloquence they daign reveal them anything they never forget the catch phrase "Although you don't understand". I also think the narrator should maintain them in such a state of Harmony by continually singing.


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