Re: Humakt and the Spartans

From: mjrblunder <mjrblunder_at_...> <mjrblunder_at_...>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 21:21:54 -0000

Hi- I'm new to this but I think Humankti in general might differ from Spartans in that the Spartan system depends on the Helots and slaves to provide labour (and assets in a society that doesn't value money): Helots cannot progress beyond being trusted servants no matter how individually virtuous they are. (Will have to look up Sambari, I am ignorant of them) Stephen Pressfield's 'The Gates of Fire' is interestingly written about the Spartans from the point of view of a Helot and is sympathetic about the Spartans. Certainly 'Spartan, qualities, physical courage, military prowess and truth telling all apply to Humankti, but I have always thought that one of the best features of Gloranthan cultures and mythos was that they are complete unto themselves and don't need to be analogues of historical societies, and are self supporting without having to be propped up with models of societes. I actually tend to think of the Humankti like romantic versions of Gauls, Celts or Nordic people (possibly I am I influenced by the wonderful artwork In Wyrm's Footprint's etc); the Spartan parallel never occured to me, I think I see the Spartans as more cold-blooded than I see the Humankti, it's an interesting thought though.

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