Birth of the Goddess characters

From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...> <mark_at_...>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:38:08 -0000


As you may know, Birth of the Goddess is the major feature freeform for Gloranthacon (, a new game set at the time of, well, the birth of the Goddess. Just to whet your appetites, here is the present list of characters - the final list may differ slightly from this. For those of you who have already registered for the con, details on how to preregister for the game and be assigned a character will follow shortly.

There will be more details of the game and setting also posted to the Gloranthacon yahoogroup
(, so even if you don't know if you will be making it to this fine con, it may be worth subscribing to the list if you want to know more about it or BotG.




*Great Shah Bisoshan: Great Shah of Carmania and Dara Happa.

Arashan the Unmanly: A Carmanian artist and bonviveur.

Armayanda of the Shadow Veil: Witch-queen of Spol, in mourning for her husband.

Bisarashan the Bright: Bishoshan's oldest son and possible heir, noted for his piety and bookish intellect and currently the Great Shah's Master of Coin.

Bisodakar the Fervent: Bisoshan's younger son and prospective heir, at 17 already a savage warrior, commanding the Fervent Brass Guards.

Bissin Steadfast: Bishoshan's brother and distant heir, known for his calm and unwavering devotion.

Darankash the Black Bull: A feared mercenary with ambitions.

Endarkus Bullslayer: Once a trusted follower of Cartavar's, Overseer of Raibanth and Vonlath, now at odds with his successor.

Fjordaur: Carmanian master assassin, a disgruntled advocate of his much maligned profession, with a penchant for interpretative dance.

Hassakar of Meglardirth: The wealthy and powerful lord of this great city, who could always cope with more wealth and more power.

Makabaeus the Despairing: An exiled sorceror and dabbler in unknown magics.

Skywards Assaran: The pious and powerful Grand Theogenist of Idovanus, a man with worries.

Tassaran By-the-Throne: Bisoshan's adviser, court sorceror and chamberlain, a most humble man.

Dara Happans

Charn Chender: The brilliant but disconcerting surgeon, anatomist and chirurgeon of Elz Ast, whose nickname of the Bloody-Handed Healer leaves little to the imagination.

Empiricon of Elz Ast: Overseer of Elz Ast, a noted experimental mage, scientist and administrator.

Eshegguth of Alkoth: Fierce Alkothi warrior, also called Secundus Horribilis.

Etyries Farfooter: Merchant and traveller, as happy to swap news as treasures.

Irippi On Tor: Exiled house mage of the former satrap of Yuthuppa, a man for whom knowledge is an addiction rather than a commodity.

Khasventos of Raibanth: The Carmanian-installed Overseer of the Dara Happan capital, whose uneasy head might even regret its lavish crown.

The Fortunate Lanvash: The Carmanian-installed Overseer of Yuthuppa, for whom life is sweet.

Orkeptes the Taxing: An (in)famous tax farmer, rich but unloved.

Paulind: A Nestendos priest who never seems to know when to keep quiet, but never seems silenced, either.

Takashkan of Orlei: Overseer of his beautiful city, at peace with the Carmanians yet troubled by his dreams.

Fat Sarkesh: Perhaps the original inspiration for the famous 'Song of the Vulgar Boatman', an Oslir bargee who has risen to dominate the river trade, yet whose wealth seems unable to buy him charm or manners.

Varenkara the Tireless: A negotiator and facilitator, she always seems to be where the action is.


Danfive Xaron: The 'Wolf of the Night,' a fierce bandit ravaging the Tener Plains.

Deezola: Queen of Torang, a wise and gentle, yet also forceful young woman, determined to preserve the independence of her city.

Edasul of Diavizzi: Called 'the Sparrowhawk', the ruthless tyrant of this Rinliddi city-state, eternally plotting and scheming.

Neek Teslo: An inspired but irritating mage, once of Torang, now of Elz Ast.

Trokor Snow Hawk: Great Mediocelestial Mediator of Tholm, Dominus of Induppa, Primus Armiger of the Descending Spears, a man burdened by pomp and destiny.

Yanafal Tarnils: Warrior and warlord. Dara Happan by birth, son of the satrap of Yuthuppa, now exiled and in Rinliddi service.


Bistuki Openhand: A Darjiini hero of the masses, virile, vigorous and virtuous.

Ilusu Reed-Piper: A powerful but eccentric Darjiini shaman, who nonetheless seems eager to leave the streams and marshes of his homeland behind.

Kessuku Snake-Hunter: A Darjiini hunter of men and beasts, torn between his destiny and his desires.

Shividru the Weighty: Pleasure-loving sultan of Darjiin under the Carmanians, a man of wide and dubious appetites.

Ussoru Smiles at Night: The Darjiini High Priestess of SurEnslib, spiritual leader of her people, and as such a mix of wanton and mystic.

Exiles, Independents and Diverse Others

Arash Khan: Exiled Pentan warleader, a polite wolf among jolly sheep.

Deromin the Beer Baron: Leading citizen of the Pelandan city of Utheneos, whose fine brews are justly famed, but who is worried for the sake of his city's phallic rituals.

Eirkur Venderparze: Lord of Joranit, whose certainty that 'winter is coming' seems at odds with his great plans for his city.

Enkura the Crone: Speaker of the Old Ones Alliance of Darseni matriarchs, who knows full well that The Mother knows best.

Golden Figura: The upright and honourable Sankenite hero, handsome, brave, bold, open-minded and noble enough to make your teeth ache.

Herentus Reborn: The Wanax, or elected king, of the fierce highland Arirae, a man not to cross, especially not downwind.

Jakaleel the Witch: The Spindle Hag of Jord, who returned from the Blue Moon Plateau blessed, mad or both.

Black Nameshkor: The Tyrant of Birin, a man rich enough to profess not to be interested in wealth. So what is he after?

*The Nightmare Spear: Feared and fabled Pentan warlord, half dead,
half alive, all murderous.

Renzannis the Artist: Famed Pelandan master of many art forms, from sculpture to opera.

Taborus: Merchant prince from Vanch, a cheery soul who can lighten your heart while lightening your coffers.

Turuku Stands and Watches: Exiled chieftain from Twice Blessed, pining for the fjords.

*Vertundus: The Rebel of the Delta, the mysterious river pirate,
thief of hearts and treasures.


Cogtooth: Dwarven representative, diplomat, merchant and architect.

Darak Kan Ogag: Trollish emissary from the distant Blue Moon Plateau, an uz with unusual appetites.

Oktog Walks-like-a-Man: An unusual trollish scholar, who claims he is really a human. Presumably a fanged, dark-skinned, seven-foot- tall human.

The Flower Prince: Elven emissary from distant Rist, with delicate blossom in one hand, mighty wooden blade in the other.

*Denotes a character who is not played in the game, but may appear
played by a Spirit Guide.

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