New poll for HeroWars

Date: 20 Jan 2003 18:53:35 -0000

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the HeroWars group:

Which of the following conditions
would make a US Gloranthacon a
convention you would definitely attend:

  o Scheduled in Jan. - March
  o Scheduled in April - June
  o Scheduled in July - Sept.
  o Scheduled in Oct. - Dec.
  o Part of a general RPG convention
  o Exclusively Gloranthan
  o HW/HQ + Chaosium Games
  o One day event
  o Weekend event

  o travel + con + room costs under $200 US 
  o travel + con + room costs under $400 US 
  o travel + con + room costs under $600 US 
  o travel + con + room costs under $800 US 
  o travel + con + room costs don't matter 
  o US West coast location
  o US East coast location
  o US Midwest location
  o Location doesn't matter
  o No flying required
  o I don't go to conventions

To vote, please visit the following web page:

Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups web site listed above.


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