Re: Re: Cheap flights to Toronto

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 21:58:25 +0000 (GMT)

> How about we hear from folks
> on why they go and what they enjoy?

Well, I know why I go to the ones I can afford. (That being the ones a bit closer to home). Because it's about 2.5 days of continuous high. No, not on the alcohol (though German beer at Convulsions is very good and very cheap). High on communication. 2.5 days solid of talking Glorantha. Say Friday afternoon till Monday morning, that's 50 hours of it. No, you won't want to waste time sleeping (hint: get someone else to drive, and take Monday off work).

It's amazing the ideas you can come up with when you're all there sparking each other off. Some of them you can even remember when you get home (I'm still hoping that some day either Mike Cule or I will remember our wonderful proof of what caused the Illiteracy era: it was good, I remember that much, but wiped out of our minds by beer at about 3am).

> I'll bet there are quite a few
> people on this
> list who have never been to a Gloranthan
> convention...

Go. Pick one on the right continent, yes, but go.

> From the moment I
> arrived at Tentacles, I knew that everyone there not
> only knew about Glorantha,...

To be fair, Tentacles also seemed to attract Cthulu people, some of whom had no interest in Glorantha.

> I watched actual
> gaming sessions where gamers from all around the
> world (some with
> less than ideal English skills) somehow came
> together in 2-3 hours to
> glorious victory in true heroic RPG fashion.

Yeah.... like the Pendragon game with six nationalities involved, where in a moment of desperation we fell back on our common language: Latin.

> realizing that many/most of the gamers
> out there (particularly in HW) actually do have
> social skills and can
> be great fun to hang out with,

This is very true. Gloranthan gamers tend to be highly intelligent, eloquent, and generally delightful people, even when in some cases I'm not quite sure what species they are. And unlike most mobs, when you get them together in large numbers, they improve.

> Besides, wouldn't you like to know what some of
> these goofs really look like? :-)

And sound like. That can be more to the point. You can see what they look like in the pictures of past events. But for the Storytelling, the Auction, Sing-along-a-Nick, you have to be there.

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