Re: Re: Of Garhounds and Punning Myths

From: Bo Rosén <brosen_at_...>
Date: 13 Feb 2003 15:15:18 +0100

tor 2003-02-13 klockan 14.57 skrev Roderick and Ellen Robertson:

> The Garhound could be one of the small gods/spirits that become Guardian
> Beings, probably for the family. When the family moves, so does the
> Garhound. It is an under-powered wyter that only protects its immediate
> family. Its Defense function is probably an Alarm, the Offense function may

This ties in nicely with Jane's vivid imagery. It could manifest either as a ghostly dog thing or in the pack leader (in which case the blessing could be something like Breed True).

I don't think dogs are actually mentioned anywhere in connection with Garhound, but it may be so obvious no one thought it worth their effort to.

But why would a Sartarite family have dogs, unless they are really Alakoring originally?
It is also conceivable the garhound was in situ when Declan came to the settlement. If Declan formed a new clan or bloodline, he may simply have taken the garhound as the new wyter.
Perhaps it belonged to a lost Praxian tribe who will soon come and reclaim what's theirs, what will the poor beast do, torn between old and new masters...
Hm, forget I said that. ;-)

I think I should the sources before posting anything else though. Bo

Bo Ros�n <brosen_at_...>

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