RE: Re: Griffins of Glorantha?

From: bernuetz.oliver_at_...
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 15:27:02 -0500

Bryan said :

>I'd think it would only be forbidden if Yelm (or properly authorized
>subordinate) had forbidden it way back in the day. After all, a lot
>of animals trace their origins to yelm, but that doesn't mean, for
>example, that two solar cities can't have a perfectly legitimate war.

Yelm's protection certainly doesn't extend to humans. When they're wrong they deserve killin'.

You don't expect Solar worshippers to unnecessarily hurt birds or horses though. (Of course one person's notion of necessary is different from another's). I thought this might extend to griffins as well. Maybe not though. The myth in Anaxial's roster tends to suggest griffons are pretty important to Yelm but maybe a griffon wrote it!

>Now, whether or griffons are allowed prey, or allowed only to certain
>people, or not allowed at all I have no idea, although I think the
>middle option there is most fun. And of course, even within Dara
>Happa there are those who don't follow all yelmic edicts.

Of course, Glorantha is not a world of absolutes.

>griffons are rare and tough to hunt, so all in all I expect that they
>are seldom hunted, but that it happens.

Everything gets hunted by someone. (I just don't think Dara Happans or Balazarings make a industry out of it. Ritually though? For greed or power? Sure).


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