Missionary Positions - Gloranthacon Icebreaker

From: KYER, JEFFREY <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:08:55 -0500

The Seven Mothers who birthed the Goddess are still responsible for spreading Her word among the unwashed and ill-begotten barbarians beyond the Glowline. Not for them, philosophical debate or illuminating texts. Instead, sometimes, simple minds can only be opened with simple methods...

The Icebreaker event is a glorious Gloranthan convention tradition, a chance to meet other conventioneers, get into the right mood for the next couple of days and generally bring some inspired Lunar chaos to the event!

Get to know the rest of the Glorantha Tribe! Three teams will compete and prove which God(ess) is best and greatest. Oh, and we should have some mad-libs too, just to warm everyone up with a few new gods. The ensuing wackiness will find itself enshrined in the next Jelnekev Variorum - a fine Gloranthacon product. Oh, there will be prizes too!

Jeff Kyer
Gloranthacon Organizer
Sacrificial King

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