Re: Funny things happen on HeroQuest

From: Viktor Haag <vhaag_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 14:54:22 -0500

Nick Brooke writes:
> Simon Bray, quick-change artiste extraordinaire, writes:
> > I think based on the examples that are appearing in HQ (as I
> > have seen) that the humour and fun of glorantha is still
> > there and is even being pushed as essential to game play.
> Agreed. But I can only wonder what new "HeroQuest" players
> (e.g: Puma Man! Origami Girl!) will think when their narrator
> picks up "Thunder Rebels" / "Orlanth is Dead" and finds all
> that heavy-duty mythology under the hood...

With luck the *players* will never see that heavy-duty mythology unless they're the sorts of people who would like that. Narrators are going to know what's best for their player group (or should, or will learn, or should learn, or ... well, you get the idea), and can present information accordingly. And can assist their player's search for additional information accordingly.

Speaking as someone who's parody receptors are remarkably stunted, while I sometimes appreciate humour as a counter-balance to other narrative devices, I don't find nearly the attraction to the "world 'o puns" type of humour that so many other gamers seem to lust after...


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