A Good End in Badside - Part XLIV

From: Oliver D. Bernuetz <bernuetz.oliver_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 19:19:43 -0000

After picking up Petro from Juli's I left the trolls to their business and went back home. I can't say that Petro was terribly appreciative about being watched by trolls. He seemed particularily upset when I explained that they were Zorak Zorani trolls. Kind of incoherent even. He was shrieking something about cult enemies or something. I suggested that his god wouldn't mind too much if he avoided any mention of which cult he belonged to and that perhaps he might want to avoid practising his devotions until I came and got him. I suggested that he could make up the devotions later.

For some reason he really didn't want to go but finally Cletus and I got a sack over his head and managed to knock him out. I'm sure the Xiola Umber healers will be able to bring him around. I persuaded the Argan Argar healer to tell the Death Lord that Petro was crazy and to ignore anything he might say while under their protection. I sure hope that saying he's crazy keeps being a lie. He seems a tad high strung to enjoy a trollish captivity.

Like I said I left the trolls to make their way back to the Rubble. All I could see was the trader, the Death Lord, Chomper and Petro were hidden by the shadows the trader had summoned so I just waved goodby to him. Glint Coincounter, what an odd name for a troll. I don't know how they were going to get back there though I suspect Sor-  would be very interested in knowing. I wasn't prepared to risk our business arrangement with needless heroics or nosy question asking to find out though.

I left them and headed back to Gimpy's. I was surprised when the night watch suddenly appeared to offer me a safe escort back. The sargeant, I think his name was Twisty-no I don't know why, left me at the door and I thanked them and waved good-bye. I pounded on the door until I got Miltry Post's attention. He wasn't too pleased about getting out of bed though and made some choice comments about rude guests and complained about being rousted out of bed yet again.

I thanked him, slipped him a couple of lunars for his troubles and stumped my way back upstairs. I was so keen to hit the hay that I was pretty careless while entering my room. This meant that I was completely taken aback when a very senuous voice said from the direction of my bed, "Where have you been you naughty boy? I've been waiting for you for what seems like forever."

To be continued.


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