From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 09:36:05 +0000 (GMT)

> David Blizzard:

> >However, if I want to pick up the "Glorious
> >Reascent of Yelm" to use as a book in my campaign,

It's very unlikely that you'd want to do this. GRoY should come with a mental health/likely relevance warning. Or rather, the warining should be supplied *before* you buy it.

> ..the Battle of Night and Day which is
> some hundred years after the Glorious ReAscent was
> written.

GRoY is all about the distant past. If you're gaming around the 1600s, it's almost certainly irrelevant to you. If you're looking for big chunks of mythic background to *not* read and integrate, that's near the top of the list. Fascinating stuff for those of us who like it, but a long way from being "core".

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