Re: Playable non-humans

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 23:54:52 +0000

>The HQ information *will* come out in time (knock on wood), but having a
>*minimum* introduction is useful in the meantime -- a 2-page "elf intro"
>(ala ILH), while an "elf book" is pending, etc. Even a "troll intro" or
>"Sartar intro" would be useful, so a new player doesn't have to slog through

And these, I'd suggest, are the sort of articles that might be good for Pyramid. Assume no prior knowledge and perhaps make it clear that the race can be imported into other fantasy settings if wished and it could work quite well. Including a GURPS Racial Template alongside the HeroQuest Racial Keyword might help increase the number of people who'd read it (and hopefully want to see more) too. I'm not going to be trying it with non-humans, but its something like this I'm thinking of for my next Pyramid article.
Gamer and Skeptic

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