Re: warehouse 23 (OT)

From: Mike Demetro <president_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 07:36:57 -0500

I am not sure of the reason here but in my experience places online do no conduct transactions with certain foreign countries for one of two reasons:
  1. Their payment methods use a service that cannot handle transactions in the currency of the nation in question.


2) There has been a very high incidence of credit card fraud originating from that country so they are tired of being scammed and cannot even accept orders when over half are legitimate.

American companies have had a situation where they often would not deal with anyone outside the USA because their banking system is one of the most insular and fragmented in the world.

If they use PayPal or other methods of payment that have expanded services a lot since they started, the conditions on the website might still be set at whatever the PayPal limits were when the company started using PayPal. They might never have been updated.

There can be lots of issues involved when you are not an American. As a Canadian I am in the next best country in a number of ways but still have concerns.

Just email Warehouse 23 and ask because they tend to be quick and helpful. All the best,

Mike Demetro, Owner, The Guildhall Press, Canada owner_at_...
Game Publishers Association (2001 Comm. Dir.)

  Perhaps, there is a reason that they don't include "Japan" in select   box. (For we cannot use English well.)

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