Re: new character creation

From: BEThexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 14:58:54 -0000

"Evan comes from a middle-class Canadian home with university educated parents. He's energetic, always running, jumping, and climbing. He likes riding his bike or splashing in water, but not deep water. He loves, and is knowledgeable about, trucks and tractors, and has many toy ones. He can read a bit, but prefers being read to. He has memorized many songs and stories. He's confident, and will challenge rules to get his way. He has an impish grin and charming manner, especially with strangers, and knows how to flatter girls. He enjoys travel to different cities, and riding their public transportation."

Cultural key word: middle-class Canadian Relationship: to parents

Ride bike
Knows about trucks and tractors
Read (a bit)
Know favorite stories and songs
Impish grin
Charm strangers
Flatter girls
Traveled to different cities
Familiar with public transportation

Personality traits
Likes water
Doesn't like deep water
Loves trucks and tractors
Likes being read to
Likes traveling

Collection of toy trucks and tractors

Won't accept rules

Now, I don't expect anyone to play HQ: the kindergarten edition, BUT if you really wanted to run a Rug-Rats type adventure, I don't see why you couldn't describe the characters in that much detail. And believe me, there is a lot about him that doesn't get captured in those 100 by the time you get to teen-agers, I certainly think 100 words is entirely reasonable if you are so inclined.


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