Re: Books to Read

From: kmnellist_at_...
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 12:26:30 EST

For me, epic poetry is closest to what I like about Glorantha. Just for fun, here are some Gloranthified bits from famous poems.

Opening Line #1
I sing of Runes and the Hero who, from Ferodan shores, A fated exile, first set foot on Praxian soil And the valley of Cradles; driven on land and sea By force of Ocean's gods and the unremitting anger Of cruel Magasta.

Opening Line #2
Anger be now your song, Immortal one,
Storm anger, doomed and ruinous
That caused the spirit of Eiritha loss on bitter loss And crowded brave souls into the undergloom Leaving so many dead men--carrion
For dogs and birds; and the will of Humakt was done....

Opening Line #3
Hear me! We've heard of Heortling heroes, Ancient kings and the glory they cut
For themselves, swinging mighty swords!

Opening Line #4
Tell me, Goddess, about the man of many turns, who many Ways wandered when he had sacked Boldhomes citadel. He saw the cities of many men, and he knew their thought.

Opening Line #12
The Story
Of him who knew the most of all men know; Who made the journey; heartbroken; reconciled; The secret things, the mystery; who went To the end of the earth, and over; who returned And wrote the story on a tablet of stone....

Closing Line #4
Then Kallyr Starbrow, daughter of spear -bearing Vinga, Established oaths for the future between both sides, Likening herself to the Goddess in form and in voice.

Closing Line #10
Study the brickwork, study the fortification Climb the great ancient staircase to the terrace; Study how it is made; from the terrace see The planted and fallow fields, the ponds and orchards One league is inner city, another league Is orchards; still another the fields beyond; Over there is the precinct of the temples. Three leagues and the temple precinct of Orlanth; Measure the Real City, the city of Pavis.

Closing Line #11 (1 point)
....And so Kyrem's followers

Rode, mourning their beloved leader
Crying that no better stallion king had ever Lived, no prince so mild, no man
So open to his people, so deserving of praise.

Closing Line #12 (1 point)
...When they had finished

Raising the barrow, they returned to Boldhome, Where all sat down to banquet in his honour In the hall of Sartar the king. So they performed The funeral rites of Elmal, tamer of horses.  

Random Quote #2 (1 point)
...Animal nomads, trust not the horse!

Whatever it be, I fear the dragon lords, even bearing gifts!

Random Quote #3 (1 point)
To reign is worth ambition though in Alkoth: Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Raibanth.

Random Quote #4 (3 points)
Shargash's mouth is fire; his roar the floodwater; His breath is death; Yelm made him guardian Of the Four Direction, to frighten off the mortal who would venture there.

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